Rockclimbing/US/Arizona/Superstition Mountains/Weaver's Needle

4/12/2010 8:53:23 AM
Caption  :  Curt Shannon and Mike Engle on the summit of Weaver's Needle
4/12/2010 11:08:32 AM
Caption  :  Barrel catus on the summit of Weaver's Needle
4/12/2010 11:06:00 AM
Caption  :  Looking northwest from the summit of Weaver's Needle
4/12/2010 11:00:11 AM
Caption  :  Looking southwest back towards Fremont Saddle from the summit of Weaver's Needle
4/12/2010 5:37:12 PM
Caption  :  Curt Shannon downclimbing the first pitch of Weaver's Needle
4/12/2010 11:13:23 AM
Caption  :  Weaver's Needle
4/12/2010 9:01:46 AM
Caption  :  Weaver's Needle
4/12/2010 9:13:15 AM
Caption  :  Flowering catus
4/12/2010 8:31:13 AM
Caption  :  Weaver's Needle from Freemont Saddle
4/12/2010 8:42:14 AM
Caption  :  Weaver's Needle from Freemont Saddle
4/12/2010 11:24:58 AM
Caption  :  View of Zonerland climbing area while descending the Peralta trail
4/12/2010 1:51:54 PM
Caption  :  Rock formation near the Peralta trail

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